At Pyxis, people come first. In our current culture, people are looking for high touch in a high tech world. They are looking for someone who cares and to invest in their lives.

At Pyxis, we encourage CULTURE. Every employee, child, and client is held to this standard of CULTURE. It’s an easy way for everyone to remember: This is how we act.

C - Compassion:

Be compassionate for yourself and others.

U - Understanding:

Think it through before I do. I am in control of myself and my behavior.

L - Listen:

Everyone deserves to be heard.

T - Trust:

The process - Progress takes time. Never give up. Always do my best.

U - Uprightness:

Do the right thing, even when no one else is watching. Wrong is wrong, even if others are doing it.

R- Respect:

Be kind to myself and others in all I do, think and say.

E - Empathy:

Understand and respect the feelings of others.

Culture Code of Conduct:

  1. I will be respectful towards people, authority, and property.

  2. I will take responsibility for my actions and accept the consequences.

  3. I will treat others with compassion, empathy, and understanding.

  4. I will keep my hands to myself and make smart and safe decisions.

  5. I will clean up after myself and my peers.

  6. I will listen and pay attention to others

  7. I will participate in group activities.

  8. I will have a positive attitude.

  9. I will do my best to maintain my safety and others

  10. I will follow ALL rules, policies, and procedures.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.